10cm × 60cm
aqyla and acrylic on acrylic plate
We are pleased to announce that we will be exhibiting our LOOP project at the FURUTA CLINIC (Kanagawa Prefecture), which provides end-of-life care. Many of the patients who visit the clinic are preparing to accept death as a reality. I think it is important to present the work in a way that respects the tense medical situation, not only for the patients but also for the people involved in the treatment.
The first image I had in mind was an "angel. At the time, I was devoted to the painter Paul Klee. Klee made angels live in the cityscape. The tongari-roofs became wings, the buildings became bodies, and the sun and moon became heads.
I can think about "death," but I cannot really face it. Angels serving God are one of the universal images that transcend religious views and live on to the present day. I saw "angels" as symbols of heaven and divine order, and "crystalline bodies" with regular molecular arrangements came to mind as images that can be shared with the order of daily life. I thought that being conscious of death is to rearrange our lives in a complex and orderly manner, and that this would lead to regaining order in our lives, in our bodies, and in our lives.
The "ninth island" was taken from an English idiom. After replacing the image of an angel with a crystalline body, the mountainous shape seen when looking at the top of the form from the top looks like an iceberg floating in the ocean, like the top of a person's consciousness looking toward death (the leaning of the heart), and the regularity of the colors of the works exhibited in the past three hospitality exhibitions and the sense of the form fit together perfectly. The materials used for the works were all from the Institute's own collection.
For the materials used in the work, I used acrylic panels and colorful paints to blend in with the hospital's streamlined interior. Although the acrylic-mounted picture has similar qualities to the information boards on the walls of the hospital, it is not a sign or a display, nor is it a framed picture. I wanted to create a time for the viewer to gently gaze at the simple image without involving or interrupting the viewer.

Loop FURUTA Clinic
2014.4 - 6


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